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Make a Masterpiece

in Minutes! #ZerotoPicasso


144 items found for ""

  • Art is not just for artists! 🖌

    You don't have to be the next Van Gogh or dream of being in the Tate Gallery to take up painting, sculpting, or any other art form. Creativity isn't just for aspiring artists - it's a powerful tool that can make your life more meaningful. Getting in touch with your imaginative side comes with so many unexpected benefits that go far beyond the art itself. Here are just a few reasons why everyone should "practice any art"... 💡 Become a better problem solver: Making creative decisions and coming up with new ideas will sharpen your critical thinking skills. 😌 Master peace: Lose yourself in the calming flow state of creativity - acting like a soothing meditation that melts the stress away. ⬆️ Boost your confidence: Learning a new skill can give you a sense of pride and increased self-confidence. 📢 Find your authentic voice: Art provides an outlet for self-expression and self-awareness, helping you find out "what's inside you". So... why not give your creative muscles a flamingo flex - your body and mind will thank you later! 👨🏿‍🎨👩🏼‍🎨🦩

  • I can't... believe I made this!

    Have you ever found yourself staring down at a blank canvas, thinking "I can't even draw a stick figure, how am I supposed to paint the human body?" That's just the inner critic talking - always underestimating your talents before you've even picked up a paintbrush. At ART SIPPERS, we believe that with the right guidance and an open mind, ANYONE can create a masterpiece! The second you tell yourself "I can't" is the moment you rob yourself of an incredible experience... One that can completely reshape and build your confidence! The key is to silence that annoying, self deprecating voice and to be brave enough to try. With an extra dash of patience and practice, we all have the ability to create a curvy canvas - to bring a stick figure to life in all its human 3D glory! So let's step out our comfort zone today and turn "I can't" into "I can't believe I made this!" Take the ART SIPPERS Challenge and build your confidence.

  • Raw Rothko

    Take on the ART SIPPERS Challenge and paint 'RAW ROTHKO' 🖌 This week, we have been inspired by the legendary Mark Rothko. Rothko was a true pioneer of abstract expressionism and is known for his use of colour in his captivating and memorising block canvases. 🖼 His vibrant paintings - often described as windows to the soul, take viewers on an emotional journey, where words are unnecessary, and feelings take centre stage. 💟 We will learn more about the way Rothko uses colour in tonight's online workshop. See you there! 🎟 📅 26th April 2024 🕖 7-9pm 📍Online Zoom 🎨 Experience Box 👨🏿‍🎨👩🏼‍🎨🦩

  • We need your votes! 🗳

    I know, I know, talking about Christmas in April feels a little bit mental. 😅 But, hear us out SIPPERS fam... We've just been shortlisted to win a stand at the @londonchristmaspartyshow 2024! 🙌🎄 A spot at this show can be pretty pricey, but this year they are giving away 2 prime spaces to small event suppliers. This means we have a chance to get involved! 😝 The thing is... we need your help to make it happen. 🤞 Attending this show would be an incredible opportunity for us to pitch directly to our target audience and get our name out there! 🤩 🤷‍♀️ HOW DO I VOTE FOR ART SIPPERS? FOLLOW THE 3 SIMPLE STEPS 👇 1: Copy + Click the link below to cast your votes 2: Select ART SIPPERS and one other event supplier (click boxes on the left of the blurbs) 3: Scroll all the way to the bottom of the page, then click VOTE and PROCEED In total, it's 5 clicks and takes seconds. ⏰️ Help us to provide as many teams as possible with a Creative Christmas Challenge! 🖌🥂 🏃‍♀️💨 P.S. Voting window closes on Tuesday 7th May. Spread the word... The more, the merrier! Thanks in advance. 🥰 #SipSipBeret 👨🏿‍🎨👩🏼‍🎨🦩

  • Share Your ART and Win!!! 🥳

    Look, let's be real - creating ART is hard. It's messy, it's vulnerable... And God forbid if you get any criticism from friends or family it can feel like you've been punched the face. But, here's the thing - if you really want to make a difference, you’ve got to put your stuff out there! Why? “You can't get to courage without walking through vulnerability.” - Brené Brown Sharing your creativity is scary... But, it has the power to inspire, connect, and transform - not just the person looking, but you as the creator too. So, whether you're a painter, a poet, a musician, or any other kind of artist who is afraid to share your ART… “Feel the fear and do it anyway” - Susan Jeffers Complete The ART SIPPERS Challenge Simply share a pic of you and your masterpiece to feature on our socials + enter your details to be in with a chance of winning a Gold Membership worth £149! Rule 1: Take before photo. Snap a pic of your blank canvas. ​Rule 2: Take after photo. Snap a pic of your masterpiece. Rule 3: Share, if you dare! #ARTSIPPERSCHALLENGE P.s. Remember “Art isn't complete until it's shared.” - Seph Lawless

  • Are You Scared of That Blank Canvas? 😳

    For some, it represents possibilities. For others, impossibilities. If you're starting a new painting, business, or career, the thought of stepping into the unknown can feel like staring at a blank canvas. As kids, we saw ANY blank surface (wall, table, or floor) as an opportunity to play and create. But, as adults, we get really anxious at the thought of expressing our ART in public. If this sounds like you, no need to worry. Even the great artists like Van Gogh struggled with this too..."You don't know how paralysing that stare of a blank canvas is." So, How Do You Overcome It? Stop trying to be perfect! Yep, that’s the nugget - When you put pressure on making something “beautiful” or “right”… It's easy to crumble under the weight of your own expectations. But, the blank canvas doesn't need perfection. It needs your courage! Sure, creating something new can be scary, but nothing is worse than not trying. "Whatever you do, whoever you are, you have the ability to make art in your life." - Damien Hirst It's time to make your messy masterpiece, one brushstroke at a time. P.s. If you still have any doubt, to quote Van Gogh one last time “Just slap anything on when you see a blank canvas staring you in the face like some imbecile.”

  • Happy Holi!

    This time 9 years ago we were in India skanking out, celebrating the Holi festival! The flying pigment paint tie-dyed my white clothes. My hair turned a permanent pink after a powder shower, and my feet ached from all the dancing and playing with the locals! It’s fair to say we had successfully started the spring of 2015 with unity, forgiveness and love! 🙌 Holi is a Hindu festival that marks the arrival of spring. It’s traditionally celebrated by people throwing coloured powder and water at each other, symbolising the triumph of good over evil and the joy of new beginnings. It was pure luck we were in India during this festival, naively we had never actually heard of Holi before then! That incredible experience not only left us great memories… it also gave us a new understanding and respect for the Hindu culture. 9 years later, we are celebrating Holi again - but slightly different this time… We hosted a Holi themed Hybrid ART SIPPERS Challenge for! 🎨 Teams from all over Europe got together to play with colour and learn about Holi, while painting a pretty peacock. 🦚 It’s lovely to see a company recognising and educating their employees on different cultural festivities and traditions. Not only will this team experience have lasting memories, but it might create a deeper appreciation for different cultures and strengthen relationships between diverse communities. 💟 Have a Happy Holi everyone! 🎉 👨🏿‍🎨👩🏼‍🎨🦩

  • It’s never too late to st-art 🖌️

    We've all been there! The daily grind takes over, and suddenly our creative passions take a back seat. Between long work hours, household chores, and other responsibilities, it's easy to let our personal dreams fall by the wayside. "I want to paint/write/start a business etc…  but I just don't have the time". If this sounds familiar, you're not alone. It can be scary taking on a new challenge at any stage in life… And the hassle of preparing and planning for this jump can sometimes be filled with annoying processes and procedures that can put you off trying, before you even begin. Just the simple thought of picking up a paintbrush and painting, can stir a little panic in us. “Where would I start?” “What tools would I need?” “How would I do it?" But, what if there was a solution that can help make creativity convenient for you... Introducing the ART SIPPERS Experience Box! The perfect kit for anyone looking to kickstart a new creative journey. And from the comfort of your own home, you will be guided to create your first masterpiece in minutes! Yes, of course we can wish that we started earlier, but it's never too late. The old Chinese proverb says... “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is today.” Are you ready to start your creative journey? Get your box here:

  • The Confidence to Stand Out 💥

    I’ve been there… afraid of standing out, conforming to the social norms. Blending in feels sooo much safer - especially in the vulnerable younger years when then there's loads of peer pressure! 😅 I was reminded of this feeling recently when my neighbour's son proudly showed off his new colourful trainers… Only to chuck them away a day later (and replace them with 'better' branded ones) after his schoolmates called them "fake Jordans." 😔 Seeing this brought up old memories of hiding parts of myself in order to fit in. I started thinking about the long term impacts this habit of camouflaging had on me: - Lost touch of who I was and what I loved - Lost my authentic vision and voice - Lacked confidence in being ME It wasn’t until I started CREATING again that I started to find the confidence to stand out. 💟 I noticed, when I make art, write, or work on creative projects, I’m forced into a journey of self-discovery and growth. 🌱 The Creative Process helps me: - Gain confidence in sharing my own vision and voice - Detach my self-worth from external validation - Rediscover lost parts of myself By repeatedly exercising my creative muscle, I’ve built the confidence to be authentically ME! 💪 So if you lack confidence in your own skin, try creating something… anything! Write, paint, build! 🖌 It doesn’t have to be perfect. The simple act of creating will transform you in unexpected ways. It may even give you the confidence to stand out and wear some quirky ‘uncool’ trainers! 💥 👟 #creativeconfidence #artherapy #confidencebuilding #creativity

  • Art Sipper On Demand is Finally Here 🙌🖌

    For the past 4 years, we've challenged over 6,000 SIPPERS and created over 100 unique online LIVE art experiences. And now, after many requests, we've finally bottled up some of our favourite SIPPERS SESSIONS for those who can’t make it on Friday nights. Introducing… Art Sippers On Demand - The place for artsy challenges, Accessible Anytime, Anywhere! #SipSipHooray Can't join a live workshop? Prefer to paint at your own pace? Want to choose your own artwork? No problem! With our on-demand platform, you can Paint & Play at your convenience. This means the FREE ticket inside your art box will now give you the option to choose either a live show or an artwork on demand. Check out the selection of artworks that are available now! CHECK IT OUT P.s. If you want access to the FULL library of 100+ ART SIPPERS experiences, don’t forget to sign up to the Monthly Membership


    It’s easy to forget… You were born curious, with wide eyes of wonder. You were born confident, with any stumble you picked yourself back up. You were born creative, with imagination taking you on wild adventures. BUT You stopped asking questions. You stopped exploring. You stopped trying new things. The world told you that you had to be realistic and practical. That you had to follow the rules and stay in your lane. That you were just a small person in a big world and that your voice didn't matter. That is a load of bullsh💩 Remember who you are… “Go back to your Genius” 🎨🖌 📺 Watch: The Greatest Night in Pop is now streaming on Netflix - Check out this behind the scenes documentary of music's biggest creatives collaborating to sing "We Are the World." 🎵 *Disclaimer - I do not own nor claim to own the rights to any of the Netflix content shared.* 👨🏿‍🎨👩🏼‍🎨 #WeAreTheWorld #BobDylan #GoBackToYourGenius #Creativity #Confidence #Collaboration  #ContentCreateurs #Netflix #NorteyPitcher #ArtSippers

  • Finding the Confidence to Clap 👏

    Sometimes, hitting the ❤️ button or leaving an encouraging comment can be more challenging than we realise. 😅 When we see people doing well in an area (especially one similar to our own) it’s natural for our green envy monster to creep in. Suddenly, everything can turn into a competition. Egos inflate and insecurities are triggered. 😬 This usually only happens when we are facing personal struggles, falling short of our goals, or just feeling just a little bit stagnant in our own lives. We’ve found that it is a lot easier to clap for others when we are creating and challenging ourselves a bit more. 💪 Creating and sharing our own projects helps us connect, understand, and appreciate what goes into other peoples work and achievements. When envy doesn’t cloud your judgement, you can find inspiration, motivation, and joy from seeing others do well. You realise that their wins really don't affect your own opportunities.🌟 👏 So well done to all of those finding the ‘Confidence to Clap’ 👏 It is sooo nice being part of a creative community of SIPPERS that lift each other up! 🙌🫶👏 💟👨🏿‍🎨👩🏼‍🎨🦩

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