Sometimes, hitting the ❤️ button or leaving an encouraging comment can be more challenging than we realise. 😅
When we see people doing well in an area (especially one similar to our own) it’s natural for our green envy monster to creep in.
Suddenly, everything can turn into a competition.
Egos inflate and insecurities are triggered. 😬
This usually only happens when we are facing personal struggles, falling short of our goals, or just feeling just a little bit stagnant in our own lives.
We’ve found that it is a lot easier to clap for others when we are creating and challenging ourselves a bit more. 💪
Creating and sharing our own projects helps us connect, understand, and appreciate what goes into other peoples work and achievements.
When envy doesn’t cloud your judgement, you can find inspiration, motivation, and joy from seeing others do well.
You realise that their wins really don't affect your own opportunities.🌟
👏 So well done to all of those finding the ‘Confidence to Clap’ 👏
It is sooo nice being part of a creative community of SIPPERS that lift each other up! 🙌🫶👏